Friday 30 November 2012

Lindsay Lohan: Charged With FOUR Crimes on Two Coasts, Rejected By Max George!

Lindsay Lohan may have just set the new high water mark for celebrity wrecks. She's been hit with FOUR criminal charges on the same day - on different coasts!
Lindsay Lohan at Liz & Dick Movie Premiere
Police in New York City arrested Lindsay Lohan yesterday morning for punching a woman in the face. Amazingly, this may be the least of her problems.
The Santa Monica City Attorney's Office will charge the celebrity with three crimes in connection with her car accident last June on Pacific Coast Highway:
  1. Giving false information to a peace officer (carrying a sentence of up to 6 months in jail)
  2. Obstructing / resisting a police officer in the performance of his duty (up to a year in jail)
  3. Reckless driving (up to 90 days in jail)
After ramming her Porsche into a big rig, the star lied to cops, telling them she was the passenger in the car when in fact she was the driver.
As a result of those three charges, the judge will likely revoke her probation any day now - for stealing jewelry - and set a hearing to determine her punishment.
  If she's formally charged for the fight, her probation could also be revoked in a big way.

What led to the fight after the cut

What led to the fight

The brawl happened at Club Avenue over Max George (from the boy band The Wanted), who was turned off by the fact that LiLo was sloppy drunk.
Lindsay went to the Justin Bieber concert in NYC, but only to see The Wanted, his opening act. Lohan's had a thing for Max these last few days.
 According to THG Lindsay tried to get backstage after the concert, but was blocked. Later that evening, Lindsay met up with Max and his boy band mates at the bar.
As the evening wore on, Lindsay got blitzed out of her mind, and it turned Max off. He then started talking to another woman, which enraged Lindsay.
That woman is the one Lindsay Lohan is accused of arguing with and punching.
Hilariously, Max met another girl in the club and went home with her instead.

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